The Community Archives Toolkit is in development. Please return back for more useful content soon!
Session 2:
Skills-Based Climate Programming
Session 3:
Overcoming Climate Anxiety
Session 3 Slides
Session 3 Shared Notes
Session 3 Survey
Session 4:
Coming Soon – Register for January 30
Session 5:
Coming Soon
Session 6:
Coming Soon
Climate Circles seek to build a community of practice around the issues and questions raised by the Climate Action series questions. Each Circle discussion occurs two weeks after each session and offers a facilitated discussion where participants can reflect on what they’ve learned and develop action plans for their professional or personal lives. The Circles will not be recorded, but insights will be gathered in a shared notes throughout the conversations.
The Circles are hosted by the DLF Climate Justice Working Group and inspired by the All We Can Save circles. We are actively seeking facilitators for the discussions. If you are interested in helping out, please let us know.
More resources coming soon! Share resources through the Contact button above.
Graphic Coming Soon.
Explore the draft today and provide additional dates using the Contact button above.
Draft Timeline: CLIR_CRAS_Timeline_20240910